Exercise Routines for Diabetics Tips
Many people who have diabetics depend on medication to treat their conditions. It is easier for them to take a pill than to go for a jog or take any other form of exercise. Unknown to them, exercise is one of the most effective methods of dealing with the condition. Physical exercise helps you maintain your blood sugar within the desired range. During exercise, insulin absorbs glucose in all body cells giving you energy for physical activities.
Reasons for exercising
Physical activity helps to burn down calories. If you have excess weight, you will lose some of it or maintain the level you want. Diabetics who exercise regularly boost the response of their bodies to insulin which helps to keep glucose at the right levels. When a proper exercise plan is followed, it reduces the need to use medication or avoid it completely.
Exercising improves blood circulation mainly in the limbs where most diabetics have problems. Stress levels can be high among diabetics. The stress level can be reduced through regular exercise. Diabetics are at a high risk of suffering strokes or heart attacks especially when they have high levels of blood pressure and cholesterol. These levels can be reduced through regular physical exercise.
Starting an exercise plan
Before starting out on an exercise plan, you should consult your doctor first. This is important because it will help you avoid any strenuous exercises that might put your health at risk and go for more relaxed workout. Your health expert will recommend the best exercises for you. You should have the right shoes and other gear designed for the exercises you intend to start.

Start with low intense exercises like walking, riding or swimming. As your body gets used to the exercises, you can increase the frequency. While out exercising, you should always wear a tag indicating your condition. This will help you get the right treatment in the case of an emergency. Do not get involved in exercises requiring lifting weights which can trigger a rise in blood pressure.
Diabetics with feet problems should avoid jogging and consider swimming and riding since the two exercises are less straining on the feet. Every period of exercising should be started and ended with five minutes of stretching. This should be done irrespective of the intensity of the exercise one has taken.
It is not easy to determine how often one should exercise as this will be determined by individual circumstances. You should exercise at the same time and duration every day. This is good at maintaining control on blood sugar levels. If you are not able to exercise every day, ensure you have three sessions every week of 45 minutes each.
When going out to exercise, you should ensure you have eaten a meal with high carbohydrate content. If you plan to have an extended exercise session, you should carry a snack in case your blood sugar is too low and you lack energy to continue. It is advisable to test your blood sugar levels before, during and at the end of your session. Avoid exercising if the blood sugar level exceeds 240.